Monday, November 26, 2007


Monday, November 26, 2007

Current mood:Broken

** Nobody get excited this has nothing to do with Vince ;) **

It just hit me today how the human race is just a bunch of suckers, myself included. We let our hearts drowned that voice in our heads that tell us when we are about to get fucked over yet again. I guess, you want to believe the best in people- you want to believe that they realize and comprehend how much they hurt you at one point, and that they would go out of their way to never hurt you like that again....especially when it's someone who was once your closest friend.

It's disturbing that no matter how many times you tell yourself that someone can't hurt you anymore, we still continue to put ourselves in a position where it is even a possible for them to hurt you. Why? Because we are suckers. This is the reason that walls are erected. This is the reason I come off as not not having feelings. This is the reason I don't let you in...because when I do, I get fucked- and not in the fun way. I was just sitting here minding my own business and you sought me out..and why, just to fuck with my head because you know how bad you hurt me before? You're not the first, and you won't be the last because in the end I'm still a sucker.

Maybe its Karma, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's just plain stupidity. But you can't escape it. I can't escape it, not even in my dreams.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Kid Kick Ass.. Part Duex

Sunday, September 16, 2007

ADAMS COMMENTS OF THE DAY CON'T....(and one from Alex yay!)

(I had this huge bump on my head that I asked Vince to look was a huge mosquito bite...)
ME: Hey Vince could you look at this?
VINCE: Wow, thats huge
ALEX: What is it?
ADAM: Is it Lice? Because if it is, I can have some of my monkey friends from the jungle come and pick them all out.....

Yes...Gross, but funny.

ALEXANDERS Comment of the Day:
Alex: Hey whats this mom?
Me: Oh it's a book to learn another language that daddy bought..
Alex: Oh ok, like Chinese or Cuban or Vegetarian?

*obivously my child has confused languages with the various restaraunts that deliver to my house and whose menu's I keep on the 'fridge...hooray. once again, mother of the year- right here!*

We were in Target, I was looking at some clothes:
Adam: Hey mom look I found you a shirt
Me: You did? Lemme see...
Adam: It's a Man Beater!
Me: A man beater? Hahaha?
Adam: Ya, it's like a wife beater but for girls....

Thats my rednek boy.

Adam: hey mom, when my children won't take a nap, I'm just gonna tape them to the bed....and when they are bad, I'm gonna put the in the microwave...
Me:...WHAT?!?! In the microwave??
Adam: Ya....well I'm not gonna turn it on!

-And this is why we are on the pre-payment plan for juvenile hall and bail bonding services. Heh.

Monday, August 20, 2007

MOTHERS..There's good, and then there's "good enough"

Monday, August 20, 2007

Current mood: pissed off
Being a good mother is just not that really isn't..all you have to do is love your kids...but unfortunately some girls seem to think that being "good enough" is the same. Well it's not. If your not going to do it right then don't do it at all. If you don't have the emotional maturity to wipe your own ass without getting all emo you shouldn't be responsible for someone elses. Motherhood for dummies:
* a GOOD MOTHER puts the needs of their children BEFORE the needs of themselves...ALWAYS
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER thinks its perfectly ok to drag your kid everywhere you go all night long, as long as you go home sometime.

* a GOOD MOTHER understands that while you may not enjoy the company of some people like u enjoy chocolate cake, the fact that they LOVE your children means you suck it up and deal with it...why, as a mother, would you not want your child to have as many people as possible who love them?
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER thinks that just because you bring a third wheel out with you, your kid won't notice the various men you keep tramping in and out of their life.

* a GOOD MOTHER knows that while you try your hardest you will always make mistakes. Even though you do your best, you will sometimes feel it's just not good enough, and that you are failing your kids.
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER only thinks about what kind of mother she is when she's trying to impress other people.

I could go on and on and on..but why bother. It is just so frustrating to me to keep seeing incompetant, selfish, lying bitches having these beautiful kids, and then fucking it all up...keep it up, you don't think they will remember anything? You don't think they will one day resent you for treating them as an accessory to YOUR life and systematically ripping people who love them out of their life? They will remember, and even if they don't remeber this particular incident- odds are, you are too self absorbed to grasp the damage that you cause and you will just continue to make the same stupid selfish childish choices. Believe me when I tell that just because they are small does not mean they don't understand whats going on. But hey, keep telling yourself it's all about you...lemme know how that works out for you in 18 years.

* and you know...i don't think i'm a perfect parent... but just isn't rocket science. i know i make mistakes, i know theres things i could change, but i damn sure know better than to intentionally inflict emotional warfare on my child just because i didn't get my way and i need to throw a bitch fit...grow the hell up or give your kid to a grown up who can take care of them cause your doin a piss poor job.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My baby graduated Kindergarten...* tear*

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Current mood: touched
My beautiful baby boy graduated Kindergarten this evening. I'm proud to say that I think he is the "cool kid" in the class.....He's the only kid who when they announced his name the entire pack of 5 year olds went crazy screaming for. He obviously is his fathers son and certainly doesn't get his likability from me ;) (right mike?-abernathy that's you! heh) Everybody likes Vince....he is just a likable guy and apparently Adam is too which is so freakin' cool.
He was so cute when they sang a song about "something something, this is what I wish for YOU!" and all the kids pointed to the audience, but my Adam pointed straight to me every single was so cute....that little boy was performing FOR JUST ME and it was so sweet.
Him and Jonathan bless their hearts were always 1 step behind the class in their hand movements, but those two had more soul than the whole class.
So even though I am sick as a dog yet again, could be strep, and my stomach is all fucked up from all the cold medicine it was the cutest kindergarten graduation ever! I temporarily forgot that my baby is growing up....I no longer can call him a baby I guess...He's reached "kid" status, and if you don't believe me just stand downwind of him, Alex, and Jeremy after they been playing outside! :) Haha!!

My kids have officially lost every single pair of sneakers they own, and with only a day left of school I REFUSE to buy them new Adam sported the "Ronald McDonald" look with his red Crocs and red tie....but dammit, that it one cute kid you gotta admit...
..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If I would have known then.....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Current mood: good
If I would have known then, what I know now, I would have smiled more, worried less, and dressed sexier.
I have gotten off track in my life lately and it's time to straighten it back out. I was at my friend Wendy's the other day, and her daughter Katie who is about 12 years old, turns to Vince, and says "you have big ears"....and everyone flipped out....about how "rude" it was to just say things like that.....and I kind of thought the opposite. I thought "good for you", if more people would speak whats on their mind instead of lying, being fake, superficial and pussyfooting around all the time, maybe all the pinheads on this earth would be a little less sensitive. She didn't say it to be mean, or rude, it was just an opinion. I wish that more people would realize that whether you agree or not, everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it *gasp* doesn't coinside with your own. So, to my little friend Katie, you go on with yourself, tell people exactly what you think and never ever be ashamed of who you are. Never let anyone try to make you feel like you are less than them....and for those that will try-fuck 'em....not literally cuz you are way to good for them ;) but figurativley - fuck 'em.
My life is what it is. And while it may not be perfect, it's the only one I have to live, and really...whose life is perfect anyway. But I need to focus on the good and not let the less than great shit get to me..I've had a really rough few months and a lot going on with my family, and I have unfortunetley let that overshadow the great things. I have two beautiful healthy children...ok who am I kidding, not so healthy, but DAMN cute so that equals out. I have GREAT friends who would walk through fire for me and my children. I may not have hundreds of friends, but I would rather have a few real, true, selfless friends that mean the world to me than an entire address book of crappy aqquaintances. I have a husband who would do anything in the world for his family. He's not perfect, our marriage isn't perfect, but show me one that is and I'll pay your mortgage for a year. I have the luxury of not having to work, I am back in school and if I really bust my ass I can have my degree done by summer of next year.
So my life is far from perfect, but I'm ok with that. At the risk of throwing around annoying platitudes, I think there is some weight to the idea that you really can't change anyone but yourself. You can't change other peoples opinions about you and you shouldn't have to change who you are to make them like you. I am who I am, and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
So this weekend me, Vince, the boys and some friends are going camping...those of you who know me well, know how much I loooove camping. Theres nothing quite like sleeping on the ground and pissing in a party cup cuz your too lazy to walk to the shitter 8 times a night. But I am determined to have fun. Hopefully it will be warm enough to lay out, or just float my fat ass down the creek in my innertube with my secret bottle of beer hidden from the park police... :)
So I will smile more, worry less, and be more scantily clad this weekend fo' sho'!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ignorant Fucking Morons. Stop Breeding.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Current mood: annoyed
I think I am going to start a petition in an effort to reduce the amount of ignorant morons that seem to be roaming this planet in larger and larger numbers.
Here are some of my ideas:

#1 If you are not old enough to vote, get a drivers license, or enter a porn store you are not old enough to breed. And while most of these idiots think they are smarter than the rest of us, you should have to take a test and PROVE IT....BEFORE you decide to bless this planet with beautiful children you can't take care of.

#2 If you do not a) have a job b) have a residence c) pay your own bills AND d) have the ability to maintain a healthy relationship with another normal adult for at least 3 years DO NOT BREED until you are able to do ALL of these things SIMULTANEOUSLY.

#3 If for some reason an actual intelligent thought seems to continually escape the little pea brain, I reserve the right to any any point in time, shoot you in the face for being an unimaginably ignorant moron.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

My Kid Kicks Ass....

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Current mood: relaxed
So, I tend to think I'm a pretty funny girl, although I'm not entirely sure if people are actually laughing with me or at any rate, ask me how much I the only thing I apparently passed on to Minnie Vinnie is my awesome sense of humor.Anyway, when Christian went to college in NC I started posting "Adam's Comment of the Day" on his Myspace. I decided to post them here, because they just made me laugh, and figured ya'll might enjoy them too.

(Watching Austin Powers- Goldmember)
FAT BASTARD: ...blah blah blah, my neck looks like a vagina!
ALEX: Mom whats a vagina?
ME: Uhhhh...I'm not real sure....( ;) haha)
ADAM: I don't know either Alex....I bet Omi has one.
ME: (trying not to piss myslef)...why do you think Omi has one?
ADAM: Because...she has lots of stuff that I don't know what it is.

( get the full humor, for those of you who don't know who Omi is......she's our grandmother.....
my children's great-grandmother.....and yes she has a least I assume she does...)

Me: You know Alex if Kandoole keeps eating so much he's gonna get fat...he's gonna be a fat bastard
Alex: No, he's not, I love him.
Adam: No mom, Kandoole is a little dog...cooter-cooter is the biggest Fat Bastard I never seen!

"You know what mom? I never want to go to that Walmart school.."
"What? Walmart School, why not?"
"Because mom, they don't believe in God"
"Oh, you mean public schools?"
"Yeah, Publix schools. They don't believe in God.".....I thank you. :)

i know its been awhile, but here's the latest ADAMS COMMENT OF THE DAY:

Adam: Hey mom, I wanna change my name.
Me: Why you don't like Adam
Adam: No cuz its A-DUM..(use you best retard voice)...theres a DUMB in it....A-DUMB.
Me: Well who told you that
Adam: my friend Ander
Me: well, the next time he calls you A-DUMB you call him AN-DURRRRR (retard voice)....boys are fun.....later schmoopsie poo.


Adams Comment about Showers:

Heather: Did you take a shower?
Adam: .....yyesssss......*looks around nervously*....
Heather: Let me smell your hair.....I don't smell any shampoo! You didn't wash, you just wet your head real quick!
Adam: But that's how a MAN showers!!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Awesome Walmart Cashiers.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Current mood: amused
So. Im standing in line at the Walmart on New Years Eve....of course I'm slightly buzzed and on a booze and Right Guard deodorant run....the beer for the rednek family of mine, wine for myself to deal with them, and Right Guard for the potato canon of course. So, I'm standing in line #19 with the white trash of MI because I need cigarettes too and you can only buy them at that register. Which is retarded because it's 10 items or less as in true Jennie form I get in line with my $250 worth of beer and wine and smile all purdy at the pissed off trailer trash behind me sniping because all they want is their one can of cope' and I'm holding them up. So I haven't even loaded the beer yet, I ask for the cig's and the lady asked for my I.D.!!!!! I laughed and said "seriously?"...and she said "yes"! She wouldn't even get them until I showed her my i.d. (woot!)....I said "lady you just made my month, I will be thirty in two weeks"..and she the clearly slightly drunk customer (me) who is buying a ton of alcohol and tobacco products "well, whatever your doing keep doing it because you look great!"......So I'll be turning 30, who gives a shit. It's just a number...I don't act my age, I don't feel my age, and according to my new best friend at Walmart I don't look my age. Oooooh Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


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Sarcasm is my second language.