Monday, August 20, 2007

MOTHERS..There's good, and then there's "good enough"

Monday, August 20, 2007

Current mood: pissed off
Being a good mother is just not that really isn't..all you have to do is love your kids...but unfortunately some girls seem to think that being "good enough" is the same. Well it's not. If your not going to do it right then don't do it at all. If you don't have the emotional maturity to wipe your own ass without getting all emo you shouldn't be responsible for someone elses. Motherhood for dummies:
* a GOOD MOTHER puts the needs of their children BEFORE the needs of themselves...ALWAYS
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER thinks its perfectly ok to drag your kid everywhere you go all night long, as long as you go home sometime.

* a GOOD MOTHER understands that while you may not enjoy the company of some people like u enjoy chocolate cake, the fact that they LOVE your children means you suck it up and deal with it...why, as a mother, would you not want your child to have as many people as possible who love them?
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER thinks that just because you bring a third wheel out with you, your kid won't notice the various men you keep tramping in and out of their life.

* a GOOD MOTHER knows that while you try your hardest you will always make mistakes. Even though you do your best, you will sometimes feel it's just not good enough, and that you are failing your kids.
* a GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER only thinks about what kind of mother she is when she's trying to impress other people.

I could go on and on and on..but why bother. It is just so frustrating to me to keep seeing incompetant, selfish, lying bitches having these beautiful kids, and then fucking it all up...keep it up, you don't think they will remember anything? You don't think they will one day resent you for treating them as an accessory to YOUR life and systematically ripping people who love them out of their life? They will remember, and even if they don't remeber this particular incident- odds are, you are too self absorbed to grasp the damage that you cause and you will just continue to make the same stupid selfish childish choices. Believe me when I tell that just because they are small does not mean they don't understand whats going on. But hey, keep telling yourself it's all about you...lemme know how that works out for you in 18 years.

* and you know...i don't think i'm a perfect parent... but just isn't rocket science. i know i make mistakes, i know theres things i could change, but i damn sure know better than to intentionally inflict emotional warfare on my child just because i didn't get my way and i need to throw a bitch fit...grow the hell up or give your kid to a grown up who can take care of them cause your doin a piss poor job.


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Sarcasm is my second language.