Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If I would have known then.....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Current mood: good
If I would have known then, what I know now, I would have smiled more, worried less, and dressed sexier.
I have gotten off track in my life lately and it's time to straighten it back out. I was at my friend Wendy's the other day, and her daughter Katie who is about 12 years old, turns to Vince, and says "you have big ears"....and everyone flipped out....about how "rude" it was to just say things like that.....and I kind of thought the opposite. I thought "good for you", if more people would speak whats on their mind instead of lying, being fake, superficial and pussyfooting around all the time, maybe all the pinheads on this earth would be a little less sensitive. She didn't say it to be mean, or rude, it was just an opinion. I wish that more people would realize that whether you agree or not, everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it *gasp* doesn't coinside with your own. So, to my little friend Katie, you go on with yourself, tell people exactly what you think and never ever be ashamed of who you are. Never let anyone try to make you feel like you are less than them....and for those that will try-fuck 'em....not literally cuz you are way to good for them ;) but figurativley - fuck 'em.
My life is what it is. And while it may not be perfect, it's the only one I have to live, and really...whose life is perfect anyway. But I need to focus on the good and not let the less than great shit get to me..I've had a really rough few months and a lot going on with my family, and I have unfortunetley let that overshadow the great things. I have two beautiful healthy children...ok who am I kidding, not so healthy, but DAMN cute so that equals out. I have GREAT friends who would walk through fire for me and my children. I may not have hundreds of friends, but I would rather have a few real, true, selfless friends that mean the world to me than an entire address book of crappy aqquaintances. I have a husband who would do anything in the world for his family. He's not perfect, our marriage isn't perfect, but show me one that is and I'll pay your mortgage for a year. I have the luxury of not having to work, I am back in school and if I really bust my ass I can have my degree done by summer of next year.
So my life is far from perfect, but I'm ok with that. At the risk of throwing around annoying platitudes, I think there is some weight to the idea that you really can't change anyone but yourself. You can't change other peoples opinions about you and you shouldn't have to change who you are to make them like you. I am who I am, and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
So this weekend me, Vince, the boys and some friends are going camping...those of you who know me well, know how much I loooove camping. Theres nothing quite like sleeping on the ground and pissing in a party cup cuz your too lazy to walk to the shitter 8 times a night. But I am determined to have fun. Hopefully it will be warm enough to lay out, or just float my fat ass down the creek in my innertube with my secret bottle of beer hidden from the park police... :)
So I will smile more, worry less, and be more scantily clad this weekend fo' sho'!!


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Sarcasm is my second language.