Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random Life Update

Saturday, March 29, 2008

So...where to begin....lets start with my daddy. Most of you know it's been a good long while since any of us kids have seen our dad through no fault of his, or ours for that matter. Shit happens and you just have to roll with it...Well, it just happens that Matts drunk dialing finally paid off...he called every Wallace in the phone book and managed to get a nibble. Two days later my dad called back and two weeks later he was here! We did what we do best which was hang out, drink beer, and b-b-q....We had a blast. He brought his love Rose who is seriously, like the most kick-ass bitch! And I say that as a compliment. She is like the most perfect girl for me to hang with...she loves shopping, purses, shoes, jewelry and making boys's so awesome, I fucking love her. My dad...there is seriously no words to explain all the emotion I feel for him. I thought it would be akward since it had been so long since we had seen each other, but it wasn't...not even a little bit. It was like we were never apart. He is so giving and so cool to hang out with.....he's what every adult child wants in a parent. He's awesome to hang out with, but also there when you need him without any judgments. I can't explain how much it means to me to have him back.

Next....I finally got to see The Coop! (oh ya, and Jaime and Marc too...but more importantly THE COOPER!) Jaime and Marc's BEAUTIFUL baby boy Cooper.... AND HE LIKED ME!! He liked me so much he gave me a baby bath in slober cuz he's teething. It was so awesome to finally get to see him and a total surprise. It sucks Jaime and I live so far apart now, but I guess that's what happens when you grow up....I'm not gonna lie, it still freaks me out just a little to look at Jaime and see her as a mom. If there was ever a woman who I would bet money would never be a mom it was her....but she's a beautiful mother and fell into the roll easily, or at least she makes it look easy..(don't we all)... We can now further bond out friendship over chats of stretch marks, and what motherhood does to your once lovely ta-tas...sigh...Anyway, it made my week to get to see them all.

Finally, the most fun of it all......Vince had his tonsils and uvula removed....I know he's the "injured party" here but could someone just kill me now. I love the man, but he is a fucking fruit loop when he is the hospital they had to bring me into recovery to quiet him down....anyone who knows Vince knows how bizarre this is. The nurse came out and said they needed help because they couldn't "shut him up".....I walk in, he gives me the horns like he's at a rock concert and starts singing Freebird. He just wouldn't shut up...he was talking and laughing and hitting on nurses, it was ridiculous. Then they gave me the lovely task of helping him get dressed.....I told him if he fell he was just going down cuz there was not a chance in hell I could save him...nor would I even try. So, we get him home and he's been hopped up on percocet for 5 days and he's like someone I never met. The freakishly calm man that I married is now a loud, obnoxious chatter box..and he thinks he's was actually funny at first, but now....not so much. But, it does make for good stories especially for those who know Vince.

Vince bought a new boat so they been busy fishing alot which gives me lots of alone time which I LOVE. We got the new room finished the other day, new fancy-schmansy flat screen and the new furniture will be here tuesday...very exciting.

We are gonna go see my dad for spring break next week, hopefully Vince will be sober by then ;)

Ok kiddies, I know your dying for more awesomeness of my daily life, but I have nothing's ok, dry your tears there will be more soon....


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Sarcasm is my second language.