Saturday, January 19, 2008

Absolutely Nuthin HOOUH!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Current mood: bored
Just thought I'd write a random update for anyone who is as bored as I am..

Let's see, Christmas was awesome and Santa is much cooler these days. All the kids got 4-wheelers! Real ones, not little plug in's a little scary but totally worth it. Alex has rigged up a wagon to the back of his and we make him haul yard debris from the backyard to the the curb out front...he loves it and we don't feel so bad about using our children as yard slaves...oh wait, we never did...anyway, Adam..sheesh, the Atom bomb is one crazy little shit. He got pissed cuz we made him use the governor on his, so we thought "fine, we'll turn it up and he'll scare the shit out of himself"..once again we look like the stupid idiots our children know we are...he flies around the yard like a mexican running for the far the only thing he hit was the lawn mower...and it wasn't moving.

We went to PA for a was cold...'nuff said. Alright fine, I'll elaborate. It was fucking cold. The kids had so much fun. Alex, Jeremy, Jenn and I all skiied a trail that was more than a mile long...I realize to most of you that is no big deal..but here's the thing...I hate the cold, and I frown on physical exertion of any sort..( well except THAT ;) ) So, why did I ski down a freezing cold mile long trail you ask? Oh, well, cuz Jenn LIED TO US!!! "Oh, its not that bad" she says "it's a green trail" oh and my personal favorite: "Alex skiied all day yesterday and didn't cry once"...liar. (I'm kidding girl, you know I love you) we was fun I guess, but I'm not sure since I couldn't actually FEEL anything.Thank god Jenn was there though or I would have left that kids ass on the mountainside :)
What else...well, it wouldn't be a family vacation if someone didn't get ridiculously sick. The stomach bug made the rounds which was horrible especially since I caught a rash of shit for not being able to "hold my liquor" and was a "lightweight"...yeah, ya'll quit making fun of me when EVERYONE starting puking huh...lightweight my ass. We actually saw amish people in wagons and shit, and Mike fucked an amish girl just to say he did. No he didn't dammit..not really, but it would have been awesome if he did..I would have had a trophy made for him for that one...

Oh, the most awesome part I guess was the was actually inside the hotel. It was nice and warm and you could almost pretend you were home in Florida...till you had to haul ass with four kids back to the room with them all crying from being wet and cold.

I put up a bunch of pics from the vacation and some cute cute ones of the kids at Jeremy, Jada, and Jakes birthday at Andretti if reading this awesome blog has not cured your boredom, head on over to my oh-so-thrilling pictures.

Anyway....blah blah was a blast. The new year is off to a great start, we are getting a RIDICULOUS amount back from our tax return so were gonna do some stuff to the house, add a room, so I'm excited about that. I'm pleased to say I managed NOT to gain any weight over the holidays so thats always awesome. I'm starting classes again Feb 11..hooray for me I suppose. My birthday is coming up..the big 29...psh, baaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaa.....just pretend ok? Please? yay. So that's it.

Oh ya, and Tom Cruise is fucking bat shit crazy.


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Sarcasm is my second language.